You can now add a thank you note and personalize the email that is sent to your donors along with their tax statement
several other improvements!Highlights:
- Custom email:After generating tax statements, Admins can set the “From” and "Reply-to" display name so your donors can easily find the email. Admins can also customize the “Subject line” and “Body” to send a special thank you to donors.
- Duplicate clean up:When generating statements, we’ll encourage Admins to resolve any duplicate profiles before moving forward to reduce unnecessary work.
- Separated statement downloads:After downloading the statements, you’ll now find statements separated by contact information (has-address only, has email, no-contact-info, and all) so no paper is wasted when printing.
- Tax statement layout updates:The tax statement itself now incudes your logo, tax ID (US clients specifically), check numbers, and Campaigns & Pledging data.
Learn more:
- Support article for Generating Tax Statements
- Support article for Canadian Tax Statements